Storefront API - Products
Use this API to integrate with Product Information Management functionality built in to Customer's Canvas.
This API allows for working with products, options and variants you create in Customer's Canvas through the PIM (Product Information Management) module.
Api Clients
.Net Client
It is a part of the same packages as StorefrontAPI. All classes related to PIM functionality are located in the Aurigma.Storefront.Products
You can install it from Nuget as follows:
Install-Package Aurigma.StorefrontApi.ApiClient
Angular Client
This client is compatible with Angular applications only. It won't work with NodeJS or other frontend JS frameworks. You can install the package to your Angular application as follows:
NodeJS Client (Axious)
This client can be used in a wide range of JavaScript applications. To make API calls, it uses Axios - a popular HTTP library. Although it is possible to use it in both frontend and backend projects, the primary target platform for this library is NodeJS.
Install the package as follows:
npm install @aurigma/axios-storefront-products-api-client
PHP Client
PHP client for this API is coming soon.
These endpoints are used to manage storefront product references.
Returns all storefront product references relevant to the specified query parameters.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext?storefrontId[&productReference&productId&productVersionId&productLinkId&skip&take&sorting&search&sku&tags&customFields&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
productReference | query | Product reference filter. Product reference is an external reference to Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
productId | query | Cusomer's Canvas product filter. |
productVersionId | query | Cusomer's Canvas product version filter. |
productLinkId | query | Cusomer's Canvas product link filter. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
sorting | query | Defines sorting order of result list e.g.: "Title ASC, LastModified DESC". |
search | query | Search string for partial match. |
sku | query | SKU filter. |
tags | query | List of tags that product should have. |
customFields | query | Serialized custom fields dictionary filter. For example: {"public":"true","name":"my item"}. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas products, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product links associated with storefront product references relevant to the specified query parameters.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/product-links?storefrontId[&productReference&productId&productVersionId&productLinkId&skip&take&sorting&search&sku&tags&customFields&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
productReference | query | Product reference filter. Product reference is an external reference to Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
productId | query | Cusomer's Canvas product filter. |
productVersionId | query | Cusomer's Canvas product version filter. |
productLinkId | query | Cusomer's Canvas product link filter. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
sorting | query | Defines sorting order of result list e.g.: "Title ASC, LastModified DESC". |
search | query | Search string for partial match. |
sku | query | SKU filter. |
tags | query | List of tags that product should have. |
customFields | query | Serialized custom fields dictionary filter. For example: {"public":"true","name":"my item"}. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/product?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product summary by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/product-summary?storefrontId[&productVariantId&sku&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
productVariantId | query | Product variant identifier. |
sku | query | Product variant SKU. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product link by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/product-link?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product filter by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/product-filter?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product cost details from ecommerce system.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/product-cost-details?sku&storefrontId[&storefrontUserId¤cyCode&quantity&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
*sku | query | Product SKU. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
storefrontUserId | query | Storefront user identifier. |
currencyCode | query | Product cost currency code. |
quantity | query | 1 | Product quantity. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product personalization workflow description by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/personalization-workflow?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
GetProductPersonalizationWorkflow Deprecated
Returns a product personalization workflow configuration by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/ext/{reference}/product-personalization-workflow?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
ObsoleteGetProduct Deprecated
Returns a product by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/{reference}/product?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
ObsoleteGetProductLink Deprecated
Returns a product link by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/{reference}/product-link?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
ObsoleteGetProductFilter Deprecated
Returns a product filter by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/{reference}/product-filter?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
ObsoleteGetProductPersonalizationWorkflow Deprecated
Returns a product personalization workflow configuration by storefront product reference.
GET /api/storefront/v1/product-references/{reference}/product-personalization-workflow?storefrontId[&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*reference | path | Product reference - external reference to Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
*storefrontId | query | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | string | Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
These endpoints are used to get information about tenant products.
Returns all products, relevant to the specified query parameters.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products[?skip&take&sorting&search&sku&tags&customFields&includeObsolete&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
sorting | query | Defines sorting order of result list e.g.: "Title ASC, LastModified DESC". |
search | query | Search string for partial match. |
sku | query | SKU of linked ecommerce product. |
tags | query | List of tags that product should have. |
customFields | query | Serialized custom fields dictionary filter. For example: {"public":"true","name":"my item"}. |
includeObsolete | query | Indicates if obsolete products prepared to be removed should be included to result. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product by identifier.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product summary by product identifier.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/summary[?productVersionId&productLinkId&productVariantId&sku&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
productLinkId | query | Product link identifier. |
productVariantId | query | Product variant identifier. |
sku | query | Product variant SKU. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product options.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/options[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product options for all products.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/options[?tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product links.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/links[?productVersionId&skip&take&sorting&search&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
sorting | query | Defines sorting order of result list e.g.: "Title ASC, LastModified DESC". |
search | query | Search string for partial match. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product link.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/links/{productLinkId}[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
*productLinkId | path | Product link identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product filters.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/filters[?productVersionId&filterType&skip&take&sorting&search&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
filterType | query | Defines filter type paramer. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
sorting | query | Defines sorting order of result list e.g.: "Title ASC, LastModified DESC". |
search | query | Search string for partial match. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product filter.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/filters/{productFilterId}[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
*productFilterId | path | Product filter identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product variants.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/variants[?productVersionId&skip&take&options&productFilterId&takeAvailableOnly&sku&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
options | query | Defines options filter e.g.: "{ "opt1_id": "opt1_val1_id, opt1_val2_id", "opt2_id": "opt2_val1_id" }". |
productFilterId | query | Defines special filter based on product filter with specified identifier. |
takeAvailableOnly | query | Defines special filter for available product variants. |
sku | query | SKU of linked ecommerce product. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product variant.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/variants/{productVariantId}[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
*productVariantId | path | Product variant identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product variant designs.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/variant-designs[?productVersionId&productVariantId&search&designCustomFields&designPath&skip&take&options&productFilterId&takeAvailableOnly&sku&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
productVariantId | query | Product variant identifier. |
search | query | Search string for design name partial match. |
designCustomFields | query | Custom attributes dictionary filter for designs. For example: {"public":"true","name":"my item"} |
designPath | query | Path filter for designs. Subfolders included by default. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
options | query | Defines options filter e.g.: "{ "opt1_id": "opt1_val1_id, opt1_val2_id", "opt2_id": "opt2_val1_id" }". |
productFilterId | query | Defines special filter based on product filter with specified identifier. |
takeAvailableOnly | query | Defines special filter for available product variants. |
sku | query | SKU of linked ecommerce product. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product variant mockups.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/variant-mockups[?productVersionId&productVariantId&search&mockupCustomFields&mockupPath&skip&take&options&productFilterId&takeAvailableOnly&sku&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
productVariantId | query | Product variant identifier. |
search | query | Search string for design name partial match. |
mockupCustomFields | query | Custom attributes dictionary filter for mockups. For example: {"public":"true","name":"my item"} |
mockupPath | query | Path filter for mockups. Subfolders included by default. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
options | query | Defines options filter e.g.: "{ "opt1_id": "opt1_val1_id, opt1_val2_id", "opt2_id": "opt2_val1_id" }". |
productFilterId | query | Defines special filter based on product filter with specified identifier. |
takeAvailableOnly | query | Defines special filter for available product variants. |
sku | query | SKU of linked ecommerce product. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of product variant documents.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/variant-documents[?productVersionId&productVariantId&search&documentCustomFields&documentPath&skip&take&options&productFilterId&takeAvailableOnly&sku&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
productVariantId | query | Product variant identifier. |
search | query | Search string for document name partial match. |
documentCustomFields | query | Custom attributes dictionary filter for documents. For example: {"public":"true","name":"my item"} |
documentPath | query | Path filter for documents. Subfolders included by default. |
skip | query | Defines page start offset from beginning of sorted result list. |
take | query | Defines page length (how many consequent items of sorted result list should be taken). |
options | query | Defines options filter e.g.: "{ "opt1_id": "opt1_val1_id, opt1_val2_id", "opt2_id": "opt2_val1_id" }". |
productFilterId | query | Defines special filter based on product filter with specified identifier. |
takeAvailableOnly | query | Defines special filter for available product variants. |
sku | query | SKU of linked ecommerce product. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Updates product variant resources.
POST /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/update-variant-resources[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Set product variant price.
POST /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/set-variant-price[?productVersionId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
body | body |
Set product variant price operation parameters. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a list of all available product tags.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/available-tags[?search&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
search | query | Search string for partial match. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 | array | Success |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Returns a product personalization workflow description by product identifier.
GET /api/storefront/v1/products/{id}/personalization-workflow[?productVersionId&productLinkId&productFilterId&tenantId]
Name | In | Type | Default | Notes |
*id | path | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | query | Product version identifier. |
productLinkId | query | Product link identifier. |
productFilterId | query | Product filter identifier. |
tenantId | query | Tenant identifier. |
Status Code | Type | Description | Samples |
200 |
Success |
404 |
Not Found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
productReference | string | Product reference is an external reference to Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
productId | integer (int32) | Customer's Canvas product identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Customer's Canvas product version identifier. |
productLinkId | integer (int32) | Customer's Canvas product link identifier. |
storefrontId | integer (int32) | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
created | string (date-time) | Storefront product reference creation date and time. |
Name | Type | Notes |
type | string | |
title | string | |
status | integer (int32) | |
detail | string | |
instance | string |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Product link identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
storefrontId | integer (int32) | Storefront identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
name | string | Product link name. |
description | string | Product link description. |
tag | string | Product link tag. |
storefrontProductId | string | Storefront product identifier. |
storefrontProductName | string | Storefront product name. |
productFilterId | integer (int32) | Product filter identifier. |
image |
Product link image info. |
productFilterOptions |
Product filter options. |
Product link image info.
Name | Type | Notes |
resourceId | string | Product resource identifier. |
url | string | Product Resource URL. |
Product filter options.
Name | Type | Notes |
productOptionId | integer (int32) | Product option identifier. |
productOptionValueId | integer (int32) | Product option value identifier. |
productOptionType |
Product option type ('Simple' / 'Size' / 'PageCount'). |
productOptionTraits | array | Product option traits. |
productOptionTitle | string | Product option title. |
productOptionValueTitle | string | Product option value title. |
isDefault | boolean | Indicates if option value should be used as a default value for corresponding option. |
Product option type ('Simple' / 'Size' / 'PageCount').
Enum Values
Simple Size PageCount
Dto class, containing information about a product.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
name | string | Product name. |
description | string | Product description. |
created | string (date-time) | Product creation time. |
lastModified | string (date-time) | Product modification time. |
tags | array | Product tags. |
customFields | object | Product custom fields. |
personalizationWorkflowId | integer (int32) | Personalization workflow identifier. |
processingPipelineId | integer (int32) | Processing pipeline identifier. |
General information about product that editors need to begin personalization process.
Name | Type | Notes |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. If product variant is not specified, active version identifier should be used. |
productLinkId | integer (int32) | Product link identifier. If product link is not specified, should be null. |
productVariantId | integer (int32) | Product variant identifier. If product variant is not specified, should be null. |
productVariantSku | string | Product variant SKU. If product variant is not specified, should be null. |
productVariantPrice | number (double) | Product variant price. If product variant is not specified, should be null. |
isProductVariantAvailable | boolean | Product variant availability. If product variant is not specified, should be null. |
name | string | Product name. If product link is specified, name of link will be used. |
description | string | Product description. If product link is specified, description of link will be used. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
personalizationWorkflowId | integer (int32) | Personalization workflow identifier. |
processingPipelineId | integer (int32) | Processing pipeline identifier. |
tags | array | Product tags. |
customFields | object | Product custom fields. |
options |
Product options summary. If product link or variant is specified, product options will be filtered by link or variant options. |
Product options summary. If product link or variant is specified, product options will be filtered by link or variant options.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Option identifier. |
tag | string | Option tag. |
title | string | Option title. |
description | string | Option description. |
tooltip | string | Option tooltip. |
sortIndex | integer (int32) | Option sort index. |
traits | array | Option traits. |
useForDesignBinding | boolean | Indicates if option is used to bind designs to product. |
useForMockupBinding | boolean | Indicates if option is used to bind mockups to product. |
useForDocumentBinding | boolean | Indicates if option is used to bind documents to product. |
appearanceData |
Option appearance. |
image |
Option image info. |
productOptionValues |
Option values. |
Option appearance.
Name | Type | Notes |
type | Appearance type. |
items |
Appearance items. |
Appearance items.
Name | Type | Notes |
key | string | Appearance item key. |
value | string | Appearance item value. |
Option values.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Option value identifier. |
tag | string | Option value tag. |
title | string | Option value title. |
value | string | Option value value. |
isDefault | boolean | Indicates if option value is used as a default value. If default value is not set for product link and variant (or variant and product not specified), first value will be used as a default. |
description | string | Option value description. |
colors | array | Option value colors. |
image |
Option value image. |
Dto class, containing information about a product filter.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Product filter identifier |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier |
productFilterOptions |
A list of product filter options |
type |
Product filter type |
Product filter type
Enum Values
Dto class, containing information about storefront product cost details.
Name | Type | Notes |
productReference | string | Product reference is an external reference to Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g online store product identifier. |
productSku | string | Product SKU. |
productQuantity | integer (int32) | Product quantity. |
productPrice | number (double) | Product price. |
productCost | number (double) | Product cost. |
productDiscount | number (double) | Product discount. |
currencyCode | string | Currency code. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
Personalization workflow description DTO.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Workflow identifier. |
content | string | Processed workflow JSON. |
workflowType |
Workflow type. |
Workflow type.
Enum Values
UIFramework SimpleEditor DesignEditor WorkflowElements
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Product option identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
type |
Option type ('Simple' / 'Size' / 'PageCount'). |
traits | array | Option traits. |
title | string | Product option title. |
sortIndex | integer (int32) | Product option sort index. |
tag | string | Product option tag. |
useForDesignBinding | boolean | Specifies if the option is used for design binding. |
useForMockupBinding | boolean | Specifies if the option is used for mockup binding. |
useForDocumentBinding | boolean | Specifies if the option is used for document binding. |
description | string | Product option description. |
tooltip | string | Product option tooltip. |
appearanceData |
Product option appearance. |
image |
Product option image info. |
productOptionValues |
A list of product option values. |
A list of product option values.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Product option value identifier. |
title | string | Product option value title. |
sortIndex | integer (int32) | Product option value sort index. |
tag | string | Product option value tag. |
simpleOptionValue |
Option value description for 'Simple' option type. |
description | string | Product option value description. |
colors | array | Product option value colors. |
image |
Product option value image. |
Option value description for 'Simple' option type.
Name | Type | Notes |
value | string | String Value. |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
id | integer (int32) | Product variant identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
isAvailable | boolean | Product variant available. |
price | number (double) | Product variant price. |
sortIndex | integer (int32) | Product variant sort index. |
storefrontProductVariantId | string | Product variant identifier (usually SKU) in storefront / online store. |
productVariantOptions |
A list of product variant options. |
A list of product variant options.
Name | Type | Notes |
productOptionId | integer (int32) | Product option identifier. |
productOptionValueId | integer (int32) | Product option value identifier. |
productOptionType |
Product option type ('Simple' / 'Size' / 'PageCount'). |
productOptionTraits | array | Product option traits. |
productOptionTitle | string | Product option title. |
productOptionValueTitle | string | Product option value title. |
simpleOptionValue |
Product option value description for 'Simple' option type. |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
productVariantId | integer (int32) | Product variant identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
isAvailable | boolean | Product variant available. |
price | number (double) | Product variant price. |
sortIndex | integer (int32) | Product variant sort index. |
storefrontProductVariantId | string | Product variant identifier (usually SKU) in storefront / online store. |
designId | string | Design identifier. |
designName | string | Design name. |
designGroup | string | Design grouping tag. |
designHasDataSchema | boolean | Design data schema tag. Indicates if design has data schema. |
designHasToggleSet | boolean | Design toggle set tag. Indicated if design has toggle set. |
productVariantOptions |
A list of product variant options. |
productVariantResources |
A list of product variant resources. |
A list of product variant resources.
Name | Type | Notes |
resourceId | string | Resource identifier. |
name | string | Resource name. |
url | string | Resource url. |
type |
Resource type. |
resourcePreview |
Product variant resource description for 'Preview' resource type. |
Resource type.
Enum Values
Preview EditorModel Custom
Product variant resource description for 'Preview' resource type.
Name | Type | Notes |
width | integer (int32) | Preview with in pixels. |
height | integer (int32) | Preview heigth in pixels. |
mockupId | string | Mockup which is used to create preview. |
surfaceIndex | integer (int32) | Design surface index which is used to create preivew. |
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
productVariantId | integer (int32) | Product variant identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
storefrontProductVariantId | string | Product variant identifier in online store (usually SKU). |
mockupId | string | Mockup identifier. |
mockupName | string | Mockup name. |
mockupType |
Mockup type. |
surfaceIndex | integer (int32) | Surface index indicates a surface of a design to which mockup should be applied. |
surfaceUsageType |
Surface usage type defines a scheme for applying mockup to design surfaces. |
productVariantOptions |
A list of product variant options. |
Mockup type.
Enum Values
Thumbnail Editor Preview
Surface usage type defines a scheme for applying mockup to design surfaces.
Enum Values
Individual Custom All
Paged list of items.
Name | Type | Notes |
total | integer (int64) | Items count. |
items |
Items list. |
Items list.
Name | Type | Notes |
productVariantId | integer (int32) | Product variant identifier. |
productVersionId | integer (int32) | Product version identifier. |
productId | integer (int32) | Product identifier. |
tenantId | integer (int32) | Tenant identifier. |
isAvailable | boolean | Product variant available. |
price | number (double) | Product variant price. |
sortIndex | integer (int32) | Product variant sort index. |
storefrontProductVariantId | string | Product variant identifier (usually SKU) in storefront / online store. |
documentId | string | Document identifier. |
documentName | string | Document name. |
documentGroup | string | Document grouping tag. |
productVariantOptions |
A list of product variant options. |
productVariantResources |
A list of product variant resources. |
Set product variant price operation parameters.
Name | Type | Notes |
price | number (double) | Price. |
variantIds | array | Identifiers of variants for price setting. |