Configuring the Design Manager
- 1 minute to read
The Design Manager is an ASP.NET Web API application. To install it, you must create a Windows-based App Service. In Azure, the minimum supported plan is S1.
You can configure the Design Manager in the Settings > Configuration section for each slot separately. All keys must be bound to a slot, unless otherwise stated.
General Settings
Here, you need to select the following settings:
- Stack -
- .NET Framework version -
- Platform -
64 Bit
- Managed Pipeline version -
- HTTP version -
- Always on -
- ARR affinity -
Application Settings
Basic Settings
- a unique alphanumeric string, at least 16 characters long.GraphicsMillLicenseKey
- your license key for GraphicsMill.
Integration with Application Insights
- the AppInsights Instrumentation Key for this environment.APPINSIGHTS_ROLENAME
- the microservice name, for example,Design Manager
- the instance name, for example,Design Manager Instance main
Integration with Azure Blob Storage
- the default asset store, eitherazure
- the account ID under which access is performed.AzureAppSecretKey
- the secret key for authorization.AzureAppTenantId
- the Aurigma Azure account ID.AzureSubscriptionId
- the subscription in which storage accounts will be created.AzureStorageResourceGroup
- the name of the resource group in which storage accounts will be created. This group must be in the subscription configured above.
Integration with MongoDO
- a MongoDB connection string.MongoDatabaseName
- the name of your database.
Integration of Design Atoms with the Storage
These settings are needed by DM services using DA. These settings allow the Design Atoms to access resources from the storage (fonts, color profiles, images, etc.).
- the API Key of your storage. If your storage and Processor/DesignAtomsApi are in the same service, this is the same value asApiKey
- the domain name of your storage. For example,