Product specifications
- 1 minute to read
Product specifications represent product templates that allow your users to personalize print products in your online store. A product specification defines a set of parameters that configure the personalization workflow:
- A multistep editor.
- Design and mockup files to load as a product template.
- Folders with graphics as asset sources.
- Product options available for the user.
At the moment, product specifications can only be created and deleted manually in Customer's Canvas BackOffice. For detailed instructions, refer to our help center.
Connecting products with designs
To allow Customer's Canvas to determine which template should be applied to a certain product, you must associate templates with product IDs in your e-commerce system.
Customer's Canvas introduces a project reference as a link between the store (storefrontId
), the product specification (productSpecificationId
), and the product identifier in your online store (productReference
). You can bind these entities when using the endpoint ProductReferences_Create.
Using the endpoints ProductReferences_GetAll and ProductReferences_Get, you can get the created product references. A single product reference will be returned with the following properties:
- productReference - an external reference to a Customer's Canvas product specification, e.g., the product identifier from the online store.
- productSpecificationId - the Customer's Canvas product specification identifier.
- storefrontId - the storefront identifier.
- tenantId - the tenant identifier.
- created - the storefront product reference creation time stamp.
Getting product specifications
You can obtain a list of all the product specifications stored in your Customer's Canvas account using the endpoint ProductSpecifications_GetAll. The endpoint ProductSpecifications_Get returns a product specification by ID. This endpoint returns the following properties of the product specifications:
- id - the job identifier.
- tenantId - the tenant identifier.
- name - the product specification name.
- productAttributes - the project description.
- tasks - a list of product attributes.
- created - the product specification creation time stamp.
- lastModified - the product specification modification time stamp.
After the product reference has been created, the StorefrontAPI allows you to obtain the bound entities in this reference. The endpoint ProductReferences_GetProductSpecification returns the applied product specification for a product in a storefront, and ProductReferences_GetProductConfig returns a product personalization workflow by a product reference.