Packaging Editor configuration
You can configure the settings of the application in the Web.config file. This file is in the root folder of the web application. You can find die-cut models in the ~/App_Data/Models folder.
Application Settings
The following snippet shows all available parameters of the Packaging application, which you can set up in Web.config with their default values.
<add key="Origami.CustomersCanvasMockupPath" value="..\CustomersCanvas\ProductTemplates\mockups" />
<add key="Origami.CorsOrigins" value="*" />
<add key="GraphicsMillLicenseKey" value="" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutModelPath" value="~/App_Data/Models" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutGeneratorPath" value="~/App_Data/DieCutGenerator/Demo/DieCutGenerator.exe" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Cut.Width" value="8" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Cut.Color" value="RgbColor(255, 0, 0)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Crease.Width" value="8" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Crease.Color" value="RgbColor(0, 0, 255)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Bleed.Width" value="8" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Bleed.Color" value="RgbColor(0, 255, 0)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Outside.Color" value="RgbColor(220, 220, 220, 200)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Cut.Width" value="1" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Cut.Color" value="CmykColor(0, 0, 0, 255)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Cut.Spot" value="CUT" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Crease.Width" value="1" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Crease.Color" value="CmykColor(0, 255, 0, 0)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Crease.Spot" value="FOLD" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Bleed.Width" value="1" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Bleed.Color" value="CmykColor(38, 0, 191, 99)" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Bleed.Spot" value="BLEED" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutGeneratorCleanupInputDir" value="true" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutGeneratorCleanupOutputDir" value="true" />
<add key="Origami.DieCutTemplatePath" value="~/App_Data/Templates" />
<add key="Origami.Model3DPath" value="~/models" />
<add key="Origami.Dpi" value="300" />
<add key="Origami.Padding" value="5" />
<add key="Origami.CustomersCanvasMockupSubDirName" value="origami" />
<add key="Origami.ProjectPath" value="~/App_Data/Projects" />
<add key="Origami.TempPath" value="~/App_Data/Temp" />
<add key="Origami.CacheEnabled" value="true" />
<add key="Origami.CachePath" value="~/App_Data/Cache" />
Let's look at these parameters in more detail.
Basic settings
Name |
Description |
Possible values |
Origami.CustomersCanvasMockupPath |
A path to the folder with mockups in the Customer's Canvas installation. Usually, they are located in \ProductTemplates\mockups. The default value is "..\CustomersCanvas\ProductTemplates\mockups" . |
folder path |
Origami.CorsOrigins |
A comma-separated list of domains with protocols from which the Web API calls are allowed. For example, ",http://localhost:53469" . The "*" default value allows access from any domain. |
string |
GraphicsMillLicenseKey |
A license key. For example, "80FF0-112E8-123B6-81238-94D4C-FE0123" . |
string |
Die-cut template generation settings
Name |
Description |
Possible values |
Origami.DieCutModelPath |
The location of parametric model settings (in a JSON format). The default value is "~/App_Data/Models" . |
folder path |
Origami.DieCutGeneratorPath |
The path to the die-cut generator. The default value is ~/App_Data/DieCutGenerator/Demo/DieCutGenerator.exe . |
string |
Visualization in Customer's Canvas while editing products
Name |
Description |
Possible values |
Mockup cut lines |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Cut.Width |
The width of cut lines in a mockup. The default value is 8 . |
number |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Cut.Color |
The color of cut lines in a mockup. The default value is "RgbColor(255, 0, 0)" . |
string |
Mockup crease lines |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Crease.Width |
The width of crease lines in a mockup. The default value is 8 . |
number |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Crease.Color |
The color of crease lines in a mockup. The default value is "RgbColor(0, 0, 255)" . |
string |
Mockup bleed lines |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Bleed.Width |
The width of bleed lines in a mockup. The default value is 8 . |
number |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Bleed.Color |
The color of bleed lines in a mockup. The default value is "RgbColor(0, 255, 0)" . |
string |
Mockup outside area |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Mockup.Outside.Color |
The color of a shaded outside area. The default value is "RgbColor(220, 220, 220, 200)" . |
string |
Die-cut templates printed in the resulting PDF files
Name |
Description |
Possible values |
Die-cut template cut line |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Cut.Width |
The width of cut lines in a PDF file. The default value is 1 . |
number |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Cut.Color |
The color of cut lines in a PDF file. The default value is "CmykColor(0, 0, 0, 255)" . |
string |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Cut.SpotColor |
The name of a spot color. The default value is "CUT" . |
string |
Die-cut template crease line |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Crease.Width |
The width of crease lines in a PDF file. The default value is 1 . |
number |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Crease.Color |
The color of crease lines in a PDF file. The default value is "CmykColor(0, 255, 0, 0)" . |
string |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Crease.SpotColor |
The name of a spot color. The default value is "FOLD" . |
string |
Die-cut template bleed line |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Bleed.Width |
The width of bleed lines in a PDF file. The default value is 1 . |
number |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Bleed.Color |
The color of bleed lines in a PDF file. The default value is "CmykColor(38, 0, 191, 99)" . |
string |
Origami.DieCutTemplate.Print.Bleed.SpotColor |
The name of a spot color. The default value is "BLEED" . |
string |
Miscellaneous settings
Name |
Description |
Possible values |
Origami.DieCutGeneratorCleanupInputDir |
Specifies whether input files of the die-cut generator will be cleaned up. Files are placed in the Origami.DieCutGeneratorPath location and can be used for debugging purposes. The default value is true . |
true , false |
Origami.DieCutGeneratorCleanupOutputDir |
Specifies whether output files of the die-cut generator will be cleaned up. Files are placed in the Origami.DieCutGeneratorPath location and can be used for debugging purposes. The default value is true . |
true , false |
Origami.DieCutTemplatePath |
The location of generated die-cut templates in the PDF format. The default value is "~/App_Data/Templates" . |
folder path |
Origami.Model3DPath |
The location of generated 3D models in the COLLADA format. This folder should be browsable. The default value is "~/models" . |
folder path |
Origami.Dpi |
The DPI of die-cut templates. The default value is 300 . |
number |
Origami.Padding |
The padding of die-cut templates. The default value is 5 . |
number |
Origami.CustomersCanvasMockupSubDirName |
The name of subfolder created in the Origami.CustomersCanvasMockupPath location to store mockups. The default value is "origami" . |
string |
Origami.ProjectPath |
The location for saving projects. The default value is "~/App_Data/Projects" . |
folder path |
Origami.TempPath |
The location for saving temporary files. The default value is "~/App_Data/Temp" . |
folder path |
Origami.CacheEnabled |
Enables caching of die-cut templates and 3D models. The default value is true . |
true , false |
Origami.CachePath |
The location for previously generated die-cut templates and 3D models. The default value is "~/App_Data/Cache" . |
folder path |
Settings of Die-Cut Models
Your application comes with pre-built models. You can find a set of models in ~/App_Data/Models. To use another folder for models, specify one through the Origami.DieCutModelPath key in Web.config. The most essential section of each JSON file is the definition of model parameters and predefined sizes, which are returned by the GetDieCutModel
and GetDieCutModels