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Editing options
- Last updated on December 29, 2023
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- 5 minutes to read
In this article, you will learn what an option and an option value is, and how to create them. You can read more about the concepts of options in the What is a product? article.
The Options tab
Let's observe options in a product. For this, go to your product and select the Variants tab. Here you can see all your options and option values.
The option name
The option values.
Manage option. Here you can manipulate options as described in the Manipulating options paragraph.
Edit. Here you can customize an option. For more details, refer to the Editing options paragraph.
Manipulating options
To manipulate options, click Manage options. When a new dialog box opens, you can see your options and values.
Let's observe how you can manipulate them.
To create a new option, click Add option.
In the Option name field, insert an option name. Then, add option values to the Option values fields. After you've inserted a name for an option value, a field for a new value will appear.
In Customer's Canvas, you can only create a single select option. Multiselect options aren't supported.
You can rename options. For this, click the input field to make it active. Now you can delete the its name and insert a new name.
Changing the order
You can change the order of options and option values. To do so, place your cursor at the drag buttons, click and hold the element to move the element up or down.
To delete an option or an option value, click the delete buttons.
Now let's see how to edit options.
Editing options
You can add settings to an option. For this, select an option and click Edit. The Style dialog box will open.
Let's see the General tab.
Description. This text appears under an option title in your workflow.
Tooltip. This is hidden text that appears when you hover the pointer to the tooltip sign (?).
Image. This image visualizes the option for yourself and won't be available in your workflow for customers.
Values. Here, you can modify option values and change their appearance.
Let's consider values in detail in the next paragraph.
Modifying values
You can add a color, a text, or an image in a value.
Additional text
This text appears in the option values for the radio, drop-down, image list, and color list option types. For more details, read the Appearance paragraph.
Your option value can be an image or display an image.
To upload an image, click Select Image.
Then you need to change the option type to show an image in your workflow. Only the option types drop-down, image list, image grid can display images.
For more details, read the Appearance paragraph.
You can add a color to an option. For this, insert a color in the HEX format, for example, #b5b53e
. The drop-down, color list, color grid option types can display colors.
To display this color in your workflow, change the option type. For more details, read the the Appearance paragraph.
If you add both an image and a color to a value, the Dropdown, Color grid, Color list will display the image by defalut.
In the Appearance tab, you can select option types. This type defines the visual form of an option in your workflow. To select option types, select one of them in the Display type drop-down list.
Display type. You can select an option in the Display type drop-down list. The following option types are available: Radio, Dropdown, Chips, Color grid, Color list, Image grid, Image list.
Option description shows a description that is added in the General tab.
Option tooltip displays text when you hover the pointer over the tooltip sign (?). If you don't add this text, but this toggle is on, the tooltip sign won't appear.
Value additional text displays a text in option values. Available for the Radio, Dropdown, Color list, Image list.
Allow multiselect displays option values as checkboxes. This toggle has higher priority than Display type. If you switch on this toggle, the option values will be checkboxes.
Let's look at the option types.
Option types
The multiselect
mode displays option values as checkboxes.
The Radio
buttons are a default variant of option types.
This option type allows you to embed options and option values compactly. It can display text, images, and colors.
The chips are buttons with text inside.
Color grid and Color list
These option types may display colors. The option will be a colored reclangle. To learn how to define a color, read the Modifying paragraph.
Color grid
represents rectangles in a grid.
Color list
shows rectangles vertically.
Image grid and Image list
Your options may display images. To display images, use these option types. To read how to upload photos, see the modifying paragraph.
The Image grid displays photos in a grid.
The Image list shows photos vertically.
Descriptions and tooltips
Here, you can see the toggles that make descriptions, the tooltip, and additional text visible. These toggles are on by default.
The Option tooltip toggle shows text when you place a cursor on the tooltip sign.
The Option description toggle displays a description below the option title.
The Value additional text toggle appears if the option type is Dropdown, Color list, or Image list. The text will be below the option value title.
If you don't insert text for a description, a tooltip, or for additional text, they won't appear at all even if the toggles are on.
Now that the options are ready, you can add assets to your product. To do this, go to the Connecting assets to products article.