Config reference
- 13 minutes to read
In the distribution package, you can find the config.json file. This file configures both the multistep editor (not covered in this topic) and the Preflight Tool widget. In this file, you must define such properties as the URL of the server component, preflight rules, and front-end parameters.
You can load this configuration from an external file (as in the provided sample), define it as a variable in JavaScript code, or even read it from your database.
Front-end parameters allow you to set up the workflow and appearance of this tool. Now, let's see how you can configure the preflight widget. The following example represents the params.config
object and shows how you can specify a 720 x 576 pt product with 300 dpi, configure the bleed zone, set a preflight rule to check the color space, enable a button to upload the users' files, and more.
"language": "en",
"backendUrl": "",
"startFromUploader": true,
"mode": {
"ignoreServerErrors": true,
"requestTimeout": 20
"uploader": {
"fileTypes": [".pdf", ".jpg", ".jpeg"],
"multiple": true,
"initialMode": "default",
"fileUploadBehavior": "insertCurrent",
"fileMaxSize": 536870912
"state": {
"stateId": ""
"product": {
"allowAddPages": true,
"allowAddPagesUploading": false,
"allowDeletePages": true,
"pages": [{title: 'First'}, {title: 'Second'}],
"dpi": 300,
"bleed": 20,
"bleedLineWidth": 0.5,
"bleedLineColor": '#0000ff',
"trimLineWidth": 0.5,
"trimLineColor": '#ff0000',
"size": {
"width": 720,
"height": 576
"safetyLines": [{
"name": "bleed",
"margin": 40,
"color": "#00ff00",
"altColor": "#00ff00",
"stepPx": 5,
"widthPx": 1,
"borderRadius": 0,
"pages": [],
"legend": {
"title": 720,
"description": 576
"mockup": {
"size": { width: 0, height: 0 },
"location": { x: 0, y: 0 },
"image": "",
"sourceType": ""
"viewer": {
"locked": false,
"shadeBleedZone": false,
"bleedZoneColor": "",
"keepAspectRatio": false,
"highlightImages": true,
"rulers": {
"enabled": true,
"unit": "inch",
"customUnitScale": 1,
"origin": { "x": 0, "y": 0 }
"zoom": {
"min": 0.2,
"max": 1.2,
"step": 0.1,
"default": 1,
"mode": "none",
"zoomValues": []
"rules": [{
"type": "colorspace",
"severity": "error",
"enableFix": true,
"pages": [],
"params": {
"allowedColorSpaces": ["cmyk"]
"rendering": {
"hiResOutputToSeparateFiles": false,
"hiResOutputCompression": "None",
"hiResOutputJpegCompressionQuality": 90,
"trimPreviewOnBleed": true,
"showTrimLineOnPreview": false,
"keepPdfOriginalColors": false,
"cmykColorProfileId": "",
"grayscaleColorProfileId": "",
"rgbColorProfileId": "",
"previewSize": {
"width": 800,
"height": 800
"hiResOutputPdfMetadata": {
"author": "",
"creator": "",
"keywords": "",
"subject": "",
"title": ""
"interface": {
"topToolbar": [{
"name": "upload",
"visibility": "",
"enabled": "",
"style": {
"background-color": "white"
"customButtons": [{
"title": "Fix all",
"filter": {
"severity": ["error"],
"types": ["colorspace"]
"style": {
"background-color": "white"
Now, let's see the description of these configuration parameters and their values.
Name | Data type | Description |
language | string | The language of the user interface, either "en" or "nl" . The default value is "en" . |
backendUrl | string | The URL that links to the running back end. |
startFromUploader | boolean | If true , displays the file uploader when opening the Preflight Tool. The default value is true . |
Handling server errors
object: mode
Name | Data type | Description |
ignoreServerErrors | boolean | If true , all server errors will be written to the logs, and requests will be limited by the requestTimeout. If an error occurs, or the request timed out, then an empty successful response will be returned from the server. When fixing a rule fails, this rule will be ignored later. If the error occurred when the user clicks Finish, then rendering will be skipped, and the original image will be returned. The default value is false . |
requestTimeout | number | The timeout, in seconds, after which a long-running request will be interrupted and an empty successful response will be returned. By default, requests last as long as needed. |
The file uploader
object: uploader
Name | Data type | Description |
fileTypes | array containing any combination of ".pdf" , ".ai" , ".bmp" , ".eps" , ".gif" , ".jpg" , ".jpeg" , ".png" , ".psd" , ".tiff" |
Extensions of files that a user is allowed to upload to the Preflight Tool. The default value is [".pdf"] . |
multiple | boolean | If true , this parameter enables multiple selection of files to be uploaded. In this case, the Preflight Tool creates a multipage document, and the page order is the same as their upload order. The number of the uploaded pages cannot exceed the product.pages value. The default value is true . |
initialMode | "fitToBleed" , "fitToTrim" , "fillToTrim" , "fillToBleed" , "default" |
Defines how the file should be adjusted after it is uploaded. You can fit or fill the file to the product BleedBox and TrimBox . By default, the file is inserted as is. |
fileUploadBehavior | "replaceFull" , "insertCurrent" , "insertNew" |
Defines how the file should be placed on the pages.
"insertCurrent" . |
fileMaxSize | number | The maximum allowed size of uploaded files, in bytes. The default value is 536870912 . |
Loading state files
object: state
Name | Data type | Description |
stateId | string | The identifier of the state file in Asset Storage. |
object: product
Name | Data type | Description |
allowAddPages | boolean | Allows users to add new pages to the product. The default value is false . |
allowAddPagesUploading | boolean | Automatically adds pages to the product so that the entire multipage file opens in the Preflight Tool, even if this file has more pages than allowed by the pages or pages.max value or the size of the Page array. The default value is false , and adds no more pages than allowed in pages. |
allowDeletePages | boolean | Allows users to delete pages from the product. The default value is false . |
pages | number | Page[] | PageLimit | Defines either an array of product pages or the number of pages. A Page object contains a title property and allows you to define page titles in the user interface. PageLimit contains the init , min , and max properties and allows you to set the initial number of pages as well as page number limits. The default value is 1 . For details, see How to Set Product Pages. |
dpi | number | The resolution of the output image. The default value is 300 . |
bleed | number | IMarginLTRB | IMarginHV | The bleed zone. This margin extends the resulting image. The default value is 0 . |
bleedLineWidth | number | The width of the bleed line, in points. This property changes only the visual representation in the veiwer and does not affect rendering to the print file. The default value is 0.5 . |
bleedLineColor | string | The color of bleed lines in the CSS format. |
trimLineWidth | number | The width of the trim lines, in points. This property changes only the visual representation in the veiwer and does not affect rendering to the print file. The default value is 0.5 . |
trimLineColor | string | The color of trim lines in the CSS format. |
The product sizeobject:size | ||
width | number | The width of the resulting image, in points. |
height | number | The height of the resulting image, in points. |
Safety lines on the previewsobject:safetyLines | ||
name | string | The name of the safety lines, an arbitrary string. |
margin | number | The distance between safety lines and design bounds. |
color | string | The main color of safety lines in the CSS format. |
altColor | string | The alternative color of safety lines in the CSS format. |
stepPx | number | The length of the safety line dashes. |
widthPx | number | The width of safety lines. |
borderRadius | string or number | The definition of rounded corners in the CSS format. For details, see the |
pages | number[] | string[] | When this array contains numbers, then they are product page numbers starting from 1 . For example, to apply the safety lines to the first and third pages, specify [1,3] . If there are strings, they must be in the "/N" format, and safety lines will be applied to every Nth page. For example, to apply the safety lines to every third pages, specify ["/3"] . By default, this is an empty array. Note that an empty array (as well as an unspecified value) means that page limits are not applied. |
The safety line descriptionobject:safetyLines.legend | ||
title | string | The title of the safety line, which appears on the right panel. |
description | string | The description of the safety line, which appears on the right panel. |
Mockupsobject:mockup | ||
size | object | The width and height of the mockup, in points. If not set, the mockup fills in the entire product. Note that the real size of the mockup should be equal to or greater than the product size. |
location | object | The position of the upper-left corner of the mockup. The default value is { x: 0, y: 0 } . |
image | string | If sourceType is "web" , it should be the URL to the image; if sourceType is "local" , it should be the name of a file in the mockup folder; if sourceType is "assetStorage" , it should be the ID or the path to resource in asset storage. |
sourceType | "assetStorage" , "local" , "web" |
The asset source type. The default value is "web" . |
The Viewer
object: viewer
Name | Data type | Description |
locked | boolean | If true , does not allow for manipulating elements. The default value is false . |
shadeBleedZone | boolean | If true , applies the bleedZoneColor to the bleed zone. The default value is false . |
bleedZoneColor | string | The color of the bleed zone is applied when shadeBleedZone is true . The default value is "cmyk(0%,0%,0%,50%,50%)" . |
keepAspectRatio | boolean | If true , maintains the design aspect ratio. The default value is true . |
highlightImages | boolean | If true , highlights images in the viewer that have preflight problems. The default value is false . |
Rulersobject: rulers | ||
enabled | boolean | If true , displays the rulers. The default value is true . |
unit | "inch" , "mm" , "cm" , "point" , "custom" |
The measurement unit of the rulers. The default value is 'inch' . |
customUnitScale | number | The ratio of the custom unit to points. This parameter is applied only if the unit parameter is set to "custom" . For more details, you can refer to the 1 . |
origin | object | The point of origin relative to the upper-left corner of the design. The coordinates are measured in the units specified by the unit parameter. The default value is { "x": 0, "y": 0 } . |
Viewer zoomobject:zoom | ||
min | number | The minimum zoom of the viewer. The default value is 0.1 . |
max | number | The maximum zoom of the viewer. The default value is 1.5 . |
step | number | The step of increasing or decreasing the zoom level of the viewer. The default value is 0.1 . |
default | number | The initial zoom value of the viewer. This parameter has a higher priority than the zoom mode. The default value is 1 . |
mode | "none" , "bestFit" , "bestFitShrinkOnly" , "fitToWidth" , "fitToHeight" , "fitToWidthShrinkOnly" , "fitToHeightShrinkOnly" |
This parameter only works when you do not specify zoom.default in the configuration. For example, you can place an entire large product in the viewer if you omit zoom.default and set zoom.mode to "bestFit" . The default value is "none" . |
zoomValues | number[] | This array of positive numbers defines the design zoom levels in the viewer. For example, `0.1` corresponds to the 10% zoom, and `1` corresponds to the 100% level. By default, this is an empty array. |
Preflight rules
object: rules
Name | Data type | Description |
type | "colorspace", "spotcolors", "resolution", "safetyboxes", "nomargins", "insideBleedbox", "sameorientation", "forbiddenfonts", "allowedfonts", "fonttypes", "minfontsize", "textascurves", "embeddedfonts" | The rule type. |
severity | "error" , "warning" |
The rule severity. All errors must be fixed before rendering the resulting image, whereas warnings may remain on the design. |
enableFix | boolean | If true , displays the Fix button to autofix errors. |
pages | number[] | string[] | When this array contains numbers, then they are product page numbers starting from 1 . For example, to apply the rules to the first and third pages, specify [1,3] . If there are strings, they must be in the "/N" format, and rules will be applied to every Nth page. For example, to apply the rules to every third pages, specify ["/3"] . By default, this is an empty array. Note that an empty array (as well as an unspecified value) means that page limits are not applied. |
params | object | Parameters of the rule depending on its type. For more details, see the |
Rendering settings
object: rendering
Name | Data type | Description |
hiResOutputToSeparateFiles | boolean | If true , the hi-res output for each page of a multipage product is put in a separate file. The default value is false . |
hiResOutputCompression | "Jpeg" , "Zip" , "None" |
The type of hi-res output compression. The default value is "None" . |
hiResOutputJpegCompression |
integer in the range [0 .. 100 ] |
JPEG compression quality in percent. The default value is 90 . |
trimPreviewOnBleed | boolean | If true , trims preview images and page thumbnails to the Bleed area. The default value is true . |
showTrimLineOnPreview | boolean | If trimPreviewOnBleed is false and this value is true , displays trim lines on preview images. The default value is false . |
keepPdfOriginalColors | boolean | If true , saves the output PDF file with the original color profile. The default value is false . |
cmykColorProfileId | string | The identifier of the CMYK color profile in Asset Storage. |
grayscaleColorProfileId | string | The identifier of the grayscale color profile in Asset Storage. |
rgbColorProfileId | string | The identifier of the RGB color profile in Asset Storage. |
The size of preview imagesobject:previewSize | ||
width | number | The width of preview images, in pixels. The default value is 800 . |
height | number | The height of preview images, in pixels. The default value is 800 . |
PDF metadataobject:hiResOutputPdfMetadata | ||
author | string | The author of the PDF document. |
creator | string | The creator of the PDF document. |
keywords | string | Keywords of the PDF document. |
subject | string | The subject of the PDF document. |
title | string | The title of the PDF document. |
The user interface
object: interface
Name | Data type | Description |
Top Toolbar buttonsarray:topToolbar | ||
name | string | The button name. In the current implementation, you can use the following predefined button names: "upload" , "fillToBleed" , "fillToTrim" , "fitToBleed" , "fitToTrim" , "center" , "reset" , "keepAspectRatio" , "rotateCanvas" , "rotateImage" , "applyToAll" , "fullscreen" , "history" . |
visibility | "always" , "topButtonChanges" , "surfaceChanges" |
Defines when the button gets visible: always, when the current surface has changed with top buttons, or when the current surface has changed in some way. |
enabled | "always" , "topButtonChanges" , "surfaceChanges" |
Defines when the button gets enabled: always, when the current surface has changed with top buttons, or when the current surface has changed in some way. |
Style of a Top toolbar buttonobject:style | ||
<property> | string | CSS properties. You can specify a new style through a key-value pair, where the key is the property name, and the value is in the CSS format or a CSS variable. For example, you can change the button color , background-color , and more. For an example of customizing the Fix All button, you can refer to how-to guides. |
Custom Fix buttonsarray:customButtons | ||
title | string | The button title that appears on the right panel. |
Preflight rules to fixobject:filter | ||
severity | array | Severity of the rules to be fixed with the button. This array may contain "error" , "warning" , or both. |
types | array | This array may contain any combination of rule types. |
Style of a custom buttonobject:style | ||
<property> | string | CSS properties. You can specify a new style through a key-value pair, where the key is the property name, and the value is in the CSS format or a CSS variable. For example, you can change the button color , background-color , and more. For an example of customizing the Fix All button, you can refer to how-to guides. |