New documentation is out

10 April 2015
New documentation is out
That was a long wait! Finally new long awaited documentation is available on the website!

Customer's Canvas documentation

As some of you may know, our dev team was working hard adding new features and improvements to the software over the last months. However our documentation team couldn't catch up with them and some features remained undocumented. It impeded progress of our customers in implementing the web-to-print solution into their websites as well as imposed overhead on our support team.

Today I’m happy to announce that we have finally released new improved documentation for Customer’s Canvas which will make integration with your website smoother and quicker. As a vendor of solutions for software development, we always commit to help customers implement our products in the most efficient way spending minimum amount of time and resources.

This is the first version and we will keep populating it with new use cases and different aspects of using our web-to-print solution:

Boost your business with web-to-print