Aurigma at Print 18: Adobe InDesign support, Variable Data Printing, and more

16 August 2018
Aurigma at Print 18: Adobe InDesign support, Variable Data Printing, and more
It was a very productive year for our development team here at Aurigma. A big event like Print 18 is an excellent opportunity to take a look back and appreciate what we managed to accomplish in the past year. We are thrilled by the opportunity to demonstrate the results of our engineers’ hard work. Today, we will discuss some of the newest features of our flagship product, Customer’s Canvas, that we will be presenting at Print 18.

Adobe InDesign Support

indesign files support

Support for this format will allow printers and marketing providers to harness the powerful functionality of Adobe InDesign for creating professional-looking design templates that their end users can personalize online. Previous versions of Customer's Canvas supported the Adobe Photoshop format, and adding InDesign to the family will allow current and future customers to reduce the learning curve for designers creating templates and publishing them to the website. This new feature is enhanced by a system of permissions that defines how end users change each design element to ensure that the final result meets branding guidelines.

Variable Data Printing


Improving and reducing the cost of digital printing has allowed printers to do things that were previously unthinkable. The evolving technology has opened up several opportunities to printers, such as printing large quantities of personalized products like badges or brochures.

Customer’s Canvas continues this trend by allowing you to automate the creation of personalized printed products with support for importing information from various sources, including Excel tables and CSV/TXT files. The editor’s capabilities enable users to personalize both textual and graphical layers, and the high speed of generating the resulting images makes it possible to quickly and efficiently process orders of any complexity and volume.

Depositphotos Integration


Depositphotos has proven itself to be a convenient and easy-to-use service for finding the necessary photos and artwork to create a professional-looking design.

That’s why we’ve enabled integration with Depositphotos for the Customer’s Canvas online editor. Through this integration, your users will have access to more than 80 million photos and vector images directly within the interface of our editor. The cost of any purchased images is then included in the final price of the order, guaranteeing a seamless purchasing workflow and keeping users on your website throughout the whole process.

This new integration was developed with online storefronts in mind, making it easier for customers to access a huge library of photos and vector images without clicking off of your website.

Google Drive Integration 


Our development team is happy to present another new Customer’s Canvas integration with one of the most popular file hosting services available. You can now access and use your template files and image libraries that are stored in Google Drive directly within Customer’s Canvas. This feature is also useful, for example, if you use centralized file storage to create marketing materials, catalogs, and listings.

How to find us at the exhibition:

Our team will be waiting for you at booth #239, where convenient places will be arranged for demo testing. Our representatives will be more than happy to address any questions or concerns that you may have about our products and how they fit in with your unique business requirements.

print18 map

You can schedule a meeting with us at a convenient time for you to showcase new Customer's Canvas features and answer any questions.

Schedule a Meeting

About Print 18

PRINT is the annual conference and exhibition event that hosts the largest gathering of printing services providers in North America, representing attendees from 86 countries. In 2017, more than 22,000 visitors came to Chicago, including nearly 16,000 buyers from 8,565 companies.

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