Our updated demo section provides hands-on learning of Customer’s Canvas’s many features

24 June 2019
Our updated demo section provides hands-on learning of Customer’s Canvas’s many features
The best way to demonstrate a product’s functionality is to allow potential users to try it out for themselves. A few years ago, we began creating online editor demos to showcase different Customer’s Canvas use cases. As time went on, the number of demos increased significantly (there are now more than 40), which has made navigating through them more complicated. We decided to revise the demo section in order to make it easier for customers to quickly find the editor features they’re looking for, as well as examples of products that they would like to personalize with Customer’s Canvas.

The biggest change in the updated section is that demos are now grouped by the feature they are highlighting or by the product they are showcasing. For example, you want to see how Customer’s Canvas could help you implement online customization for variable data printing orders. You would find the “Variable data printing” tab in the “By feature” category.

demo section

If you want to see how one can use Customer’s Canvas to personalize brochures or mugs, simply find the respective tabs in the “By product” category.

demo section 2

We are constantly developing new features for our product and adding new online demos to showcase them. If you want to try the Customer’s Canvas editor in action, feel free to open a demo and explore its features for yourself!

Explore new demo section

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