A better Customer's Canvas: Winter 2020

27 February 2020
A better Customer's Canvas: Winter 2020
We have a sizable backlog of tasks we want to complete so that we can continue to deliver the best web-to-print software possible. Luckily for us, 2020 has an extra day to help us stay on top of our goals. Let’s take a moment to look back at our current progress and explore some of the new features that were released over these last three winter months.


Interface and settings

  • The Design Editor has stopped using the Image Gallery. After upgrading to this version, if the Image Gallery is still the default asset widget in your editor's config, the editor will open the Asset Manager with the same settings as the old gallery
  • We made it possible to customize three new types of snap lines. Now, you can define different behavior for how lines snap to design items, print areas, and safety lines.
  • Now, you can create folders for each client’s uploaded images. Use the path property to configure this.
  • We added the option to disable color management and maintain original colors in assets, starting from loading a product template to rendering a hi-res output.


  • We added the feature to specify product surfaces that need to be rendered to proof images by using the Web API
  • We made it possible to retrieve variable items from state files by using the Web API.
  • We added the HiResControllerStoreDataInState parameter, which defines whether to save personalization data to state files when rendering hi-res outputs through the Web API or not. As an alternative, you can pass StoreDataInState in the request payload.

Photoshop/InDesign templates

  • We added support for locked (Item.Locked) and visible (Item.Visible) attributes for InDesign templates
  • We added support for the color overlay effect defined for image placeholders in Photoshop templates.

Stay updated with Customer’s Canvas

Contact our representatives to learn more about the latest versions of our software. Our team is ready to help you unlock the full potential of your existing or planned web-to-print workflow!

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