Meet Customer's Canvas Packaging

31 May 2018
Meet Customer's Canvas Packaging
The Aurigma team is proud to announce a new product that combines all of the powerful features of web-to-print technology with parametric packaging design.


Technology has revolutionized business in many different ways. What seemed impossible to digitize yesterday is now being completely modernized today. One such aspect of business that’s getting the digital treatment is the design and production of packaging. For a long while, the production of packaging was a long-run process, so there was no real incentive in automating or speeding up the design process. However, that’s now all changing.

On the one hand, the development of digital printing technologies has made small print runs in packaging production a reality. On the other hand, manufactures – for various reasons – are eager to change the design of their packages more and more often, which means that rendering speed and design approval is quickly becoming a priority.

To address this industry shift, we decided to create an online W2P editor specifically tailored for packaging design creation. The solution to challenges laid out above did not come easy, but the result was more than worth it. We’re very excited to introduce our newest product: Customer’s Canvas Packaging – the first self-service online editor for packaging with parametric design support.

Customer's Canvas Packaging is a combination of three main elements:

  1. Online Editor
  2. Parametric Model Generator
  3. 3D Preview Module

Online Editor

We’ve added all the power of our online editor’s functionality so that your customers can create a package design that will catch everyone’s eye and get their products into shopping carts. In Customer’s Canvas Packaging, all the features of our Online W2P Editor are available. This entails not only a rich toolkit for creating designs, but also a guarantee that your customers’ designs will be printed correctly. The editor is optimized for packaging with the ability to add die cut lines as well as support for standard packaging icons that must appear on the final product.

Parametric Model Generator

Packaging comes in all shapes and sizes, with dimensions such as length, width, and height determining the final design. Customer’s Canvas Packaging is the first complete solution on the market that can automatically generate die cuts based on these parameters. With Customer’s Canvas Packaging, you have the freedom to create packages of any size.

3D Preview

In the case of a 3D object like packaging, a preview is vital in order to determine any possible design flaws before sending the job to print. By looking at the resulting model, you can immediately spot problem areas and refine them before it’s too late. Customer’s Canvas Packaging allows you to view the model from any angle and at any scale.

Customer’s Canvas Packaging can be integrated easily into your business processes and will be a great asset for any printer hoping to enter this exciting new niche.

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