Unveiling CCHub: Why Upgrading to the Cloud Version of Customer's Canvas is a Game-Changer

31 July 2023
Unveiling CCHub: Why Upgrading to the Cloud Version of Customer's Canvas is a Game-Changer

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    For over a decade, Customer's Canvas has been at the forefront of innovation, evolving from a simple online editor into a comprehensive web-to-print solution. Today, we are thrilled to take the next significant step in our journey with the introduction of CCHub, our state-of-the-art cloud version. CCHub is not merely an upgrade. It's a transformation into a powerful w2p platform tailored to revolutionize your online printing experience. Are you still using the on-premises installation or the older hosted setup? It's time to explore the future with CCHub, an investment that promises to redefine your business.

    CCHub’s Unique Features and Competitive Edge 

    In a rapidly advancing digital landscape, what sets a web-to-print platform apart is its ability to integrate, innovate, and inspire. With CCHub, we've meticulously crafted a series of features that not only respond to the current demands of the market but also anticipate future trends. Our unique combination of enhanced integration capabilities, streamlined management, improved product setup, and robust security formulates a competitive edge that is unrivaled in the industry. Here's a deep dive into the standout characteristics that make CCHub a game-changer in web-to-print technology: 

    Enhanced Integration Capabilities

    Integration is at the heart of a seamless web-to-print experience, and with CCHub, it's never been more intuitive. We offer five native plugins that provide butter-smooth integration with leading ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, NopCommerce, and BigCommerce. These first-party connectors are designed to significantly reduce integration budgets while ensuring a flawless connection. 

    У-commerce plugins web-to-print

    But our integration capabilities don't stop at ecommerce. With CCHub, it's also possible to connect with third-party order management systems like Order Desk, integrating all parts of your online printing journey.

    What if you're using a different e-commerce platform or a custom solution? No worries! Our versatile API allows for web-to-print integration with any store, making customization easy and accessible. Plus, you can add more than one storefront, managing product personalization for different websites from a single location.

    Unified Hub for Managing Your Web-to-Print Project 

    In the digital age, simplicity is the new sophistication. CCHub takes this philosophy to heart by providing a unified hub that places everything you need right at your fingertips. Here's what makes this cloud service a superior choice for streamlining your workflow: 

    • Simplicity. With CCHub, there's no juggling between various platforms or applications. Whether it's products, images, color schemes, or fonts, everything is housed in one place. This centralized approach eliminates complexity, saving you time and reducing potential errors. 
    • Accessibility. The power of CCHub is available to you anywhere, anytime. Whether you're in the office or on the move, the admin panel can be accessed from any device, ensuring that you have complete control over your web-to-print platform, regardless of location. 
    • Organization. Gone are the days of sifting through disorganized folders and files. CCHub’s intuitive interface allows you to organize all necessary files and settings in one central hub, making navigation a breeze and finding what you need effortless. 

    CCHub design tab

    Improved Product Setup

    CCHub's commitment to innovation is evident in its approach to product setup. By revamping traditional methods and incorporating modern tools and technologies, it offers a streamlined, user-friendly experience. Here's a closer look at the new enhancements:

    • New Way for Product Management. Setting up complex products with multiple options and variants has never been this intuitive. Forget the cumbersome naming conventions of the past. With the new "Products" tab, CCHub introduces a brand-new framework that simplifies product management based on options and variations. This not only makes it easier to use but also significantly reduces the learning curve.
    • Flexible Personalization Workflow Library. Personalization is at the core of today's online printing solutions, and CCHub excels in this area. Whether it's online editors, preflight checks, multi-step interfaces, or simplified form-based editors, CCHub's library of personalization workflows can be tailored to meet almost every conceivable requirement.
    • Enhanced Template Management. Say goodbye to markers and tedious documentation. With CCHub, you can effortlessly import existing templates created in Adobe or InDesign, and then adjust their behavior in the Template editor. It's an easier, more intuitive way to set up templates. CCHub can parse design elements from PSD and IDML files, and you can even create simple templates directly within the admin panel.
    • Advanced Asset Connectors. Visual asset management is a breeze with CCHub. Once you've prepared all visual assets, such as templates and mockups, you can easily bind them to the appropriate product variant. Need to add new templates on the fly? No problem. With CCHub, you can do so without changing the product.

    Advanced Order Management: Print-Ready File Specifications and Delivery Process 

    Managing client projects has taken a leap forward with CCHub. Where once order management depended on the host platform, now it functions as a robust built-in feature, making the entire process more efficient and hassle-free.

    • See all Your Projects in One Place. With CCHub's Projects section, you have a complete overview of all your orders, connected seamlessly with the Orders section in your e-commerce system. When a customer makes a purchase, order details such as print-ready file, product variation, and more are automatically synchronized with your e-commerce platform.
    • Streamline Project Storage. All projects are now meticulously organized and automatically purged upon completion, by default. This not only streamlines your order processing experience but also aligns with data retention policies. Plus, you have the flexibility to modify the data retention policy to facilitate future reordering.
    • Overview Projects. Gain complete visibility into the status of each project. Check for errors, fix mistypes, and correct design flaws. The intuitive interface lets you manage every aspect of the order with ease and precision.
    • Process Order Delivery. Sending order information to production is now a breeze. With CCHub, you can choose the most convenient method for you, whether it's sending it to an FTP server, Email, or via an API call to the integrated order management system. Even integration with services like Zapier is a straightforward process.

    By consolidating all order-related tasks into a single, user-friendly platform, CCHub allows you to focus on what truly matters - delivering top-quality products to your customers. With CCHub, the complex task of order management transforms into a smooth, streamlined process, providing you with the tools you need to excel in today's demanding web-to-print landscape.

    Servers in the US and Europe

    In an era where data protection and compliance are paramount, CCHub takes significant strides in ensuring that your business operates within the strict regulations of the GDPR. The introduction of Europe-based servers, complementing the existing US ones, is a testament to our commitment to data security and accessibility. Here's how this crucial update benefits you:

    • Compliance with Data Protection Laws. By offering servers both in the US and Europe, CCHub enables you to comply with GDPR regulations effortlessly. If your business caters to European customers, storing their data within the EU jurisdiction can be a legal requirement, and CCHub ensures that you meet this obligation without any additional complexity.
    • Enhanced Speed and Performance. The addition of the European server isn't just about compliance; it's about improving the user experience. By allowing you to choose between US or Europe-based servers, CCHub ensures that the editor loads faster for your customers. This reduction in latency translates to a more responsive and pleasant experience for end-users.

    CCHub's addition of a Europe-based server is more than a nod to legal compliance; it's a strategic enhancement that adds value to your operation.

    Security and Collaboration 

    In a landscape where collaboration and security must coexist, CC Hub offers a balanced environment that nurtures both. By incorporating features such as Single Sign-On (SSO), role-based access, and two-factor verification, CC Hub ensures that your team can operate smoothly without sacrificing the integrity of your data and processes. Let's explore these features in detail: 

    • Single Sign-On (SSO).  SSO simplifies the login process by enabling users to access CCHub using a single login credential. This not only enhances the user experience but also strengthens security by reducing the number of passwords that need to be managed and potentially compromised. 
    • Role-Based Access Control.  CCHub allows you to define roles for team members, such as admins, content managers, and more. By assigning specific permissions to each role, you ensure that team members have access only to the functions they need, thereby maintaining the principle of least privilege and enhancing internal security. 
    • Two-Factor Authentication. Adding an extra layer of security, two-factor verification via Email ensures that access to CC Hub requires not just a password but also a secondary verification method. This robust authentication process makes unauthorized access much more difficult, keeping your data and systems safe. 
    • Comprehensive Security Measures.  Alongside these features, CC Hub continues to employ stringent security protocols to guard against threats. Whether it's the encryption of sensitive data or regular security audits, you can trust that CCHub is committed to protecting your business. 

    By making collaboration easy without sacrificing security, CC Hub empowers businesses to work smarter and safer. These integrated tools and functionalities underscore CC Hub's commitment to providing a comprehensive web-to-print solution that aligns with the modern demands of teamwork and cybersecurity. 

    Better Performance and Scalability: Prepared for Peak Loads

    In an industry where timely delivery and responsiveness are key, the last thing any business needs is a system freeze or overload during critical high-traffic events like holidays or Black Friday. This is where the new cloud-based web-to-print solution deployed in Azure or AWS shines. It’s designed with performance and scalability at its core, ensuring your business is always prepared to handle peak loads, no matter the demand. Here's how:

    • Optimized Load Balancing. By intelligently distributing the load across multiple servers, the system ensures that no single server bears the brunt of a sudden influx of traffic. This balancing act prevents overloads, maintains system stability, and keeps everything running smoothly, even during the busiest sales events.
    • Cloud-Powered Performance. Leveraging the power of renowned cloud providers like Azure and AWS, the web-to-print solution benefits from their state-of-the-art infrastructure. This provides an unparalleled level of performance, allowing for the quick processing of huge volumes of data, without a hitch.
    • Scalability on Demand.  With the cloud at its backbone, the system can effortlessly scale up or down in response to real-time needs. Whether it’s a sudden surge in orders or a quieter period, the system can dynamically adjust, providing exactly the resources needed without any waste or lag.
    • Engineered for Excellence. Behind the scenes, our engineering team continuously monitors and manages the system. Their expertise combined with the flexibility of the cloud ensures that peak loads are handled effectively. They are well-prepared to adapt and respond to any changes in traffic, maintaining optimal performance at all times.

    No longer do you need to worry about overloads or freezes during high-traffic events. Instead, you can focus on what matters most - serving your customers and growing your business, confident that your web-to-print system is ready for anything.

    The Return on Investment (ROI) Factor: Maximizing Value with CCHub

    Investing in technology should never be a shot in the dark. It’s about making strategic decisions that drive growth, efficiency, and profitability. With the new cloud version of Customer's Canvas, called CCHub, you're not just investing in a cutting-edge web-to-print platform – you're aligning with a solution designed to provide significant returns on investment. Here's how:

    • Reduced Infrastructure Costs. By transitioning to the cloud, you eliminate the expenses associated with maintaining and upgrading physical infrastructure. There’s no need to invest in hardware or worry about ongoing maintenance. The cloud takes care of it all, translating into tangible savings.
    • Increased Availability. The cloud architecture ensures that your web-to-print solution is always accessible, with minimized downtime. This constant availability translates to more uptime for your customers, leading to increased sales opportunities and revenue.
    • Efficient Product Setup. The new features in CCHub, such as improved design template management, advanced asset connectors, and flexible personalization workflows, streamline the process of setting up new products. The time savings here not only boost efficiency but also enable quicker time-to-market, providing a competitive edge.
    • Enhanced Conversion Rates. With a full range of available frontend technology available with CCHub, you can make it easier for end-users to customize their products. This enhanced customer experience can lead to higher conversion rates, positively impacting your bottom line.

    Future-Proofing with CCHub: Your Assurance of Staying Ahead of the Curve 

    With the introduction of CCHub, Customer's Canvas takes a step towards not just meeting the present demands but also addressing the future challenges and opportunities in web-to-print technology. Here's how CCHub ensures that you are future-proofed:

    • Ongoing Development Plan. Customer's Canvas's commitment to innovation is evident in our continuous development approach. We prioritize regular updates and enhancements to ensure that CCHub reflects the latest industry trends and technological advancements. Our cloud users can rest assured that they are always operating with the latest tools and features.
    • Adaptation to Future Trends. The cloud architecture of CCHub offers flexibility and adaptability, enabling a seamless integration of emerging technologies. Be it new personalization workflows, integration capabilities, or performance improvements, CCHub is designed to evolve and align with the ever-changing dynamics of the web-to-print industry.
    • Immediate Access to New Features. With CCHub, you no longer have to wait for periodic updates or go through cumbersome installation processes. The cloud version ensures immediate access to all the latest functionalities, enabling you to stay ahead of competitors and offer unmatched experiences to your customers.
    • Strategic Partnerships and Integrations. CCHub’s enhanced integration capabilities, including pre-existing plugins and the ability to create custom integrations, ensures that you can effortlessly connect with emerging platforms and technologies.

    Transitioning with Ease: Seamless Upgrade to the Next Level with CCHub

    Embracing change often comes with concerns and uncertainties, especially when it involves transitioning to a new platform. With CCHub, we've streamlined the process and provided the support to ensure that upgrading from your current on-premises or older hosted setup is smooth and worry-free. Here's how we make transitioning to CCHub easy: 

    • Upgrade Process and Considerations. Upgrading to CCHub has been designed to be as seamless as possible. The process can be tailored to the complexity of your existing project, with a focus on minimizing disruptions. After an additional evaluation, we provide a customized transition plan, including expected time frames and monetary investments, to fit your unique needs. 
    • Full Support and Customized Assistance. Our dedicated success team is here to guide you through every step of the upgrade. Whether it's moving all products and assets or providing necessary training to your staff, we offer full-pledged services to ensure a smooth transition to CCHub. You're never alone in this journey; we stand by you, ready to assist. 
    • Continuous Communication and Collaboration. From the moment you decide to upgrade to CCHub, we foster a collaborative relationship. Regular updates, consultations, and feedback loops are integral parts of the process. Our team collaborates with yours to address questions, provide insights, and make adjustments as needed. 
    • Minimal Disruptions. We've strategically designed the transition process to minimize any disruptions to your ongoing operations. The plan is executed in phases, with rigorous testing, to ensure that the upgrade doesn't interfere with your day-to-day business. 
    • Post-Upgrade Support and Adaptation. The support doesn't end with the upgrade. We continue to provide assistance as you adapt to the new features and functionalities of CCHub, ensuring that you are fully equipped to leverage the platform to its fullest potential. 

    Transitioning toCCHubis not just an upgrade;it'san elevation to a platform that brings the future of web-to-print technology to your fingertips. With comprehensive support, customized planning, and an unwavering commitment to your success, the path toCCHubis paved with assurance and simplicity. Take the next step with confidence, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. 

    Embrace the Future with CCHub

    The introduction of CCHub marks a significant milestone in the evolution of our web-to-print solution, offering unparalleled features, integration capabilities, and the assurance of staying ahead in the ever-changing technological landscape. In summary, upgrading to CCHub brings:

    • Enhanced Integration Capabilities
    • Unified Management Hub
    • Improved Product Setup
    • Advanced Order Management
    • Compliance and Speed
    • Robust Security Measures
    • Scalability and Performance

    The decision to transition to CCHub is an investment in your business's future. It's not just about embracing new technology. It's about enhancing efficiency, expanding capabilities, reducing costs, and elevating the experience for both you and your customers.

    With CCHub, we take the next step in turning the comprehensive web-to-print solution into a powerful platform that offers more than just an online editor. This upgrade may require some effort, but the resulting improvements will resonate throughout your operations, offering tangible benefits that translate into sustained growth.

    Take the next step today. Contact us to learn more about how CCHub can transform your web-to-print operations, or to schedule a personalized demo. Contact your account manager for upgrade options ещ explore the future together and see how CCHub can elevate your business to new heights.

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    Boost your business with web-to-print