Why So Material?..

24 August 2016
Why So Material?..
Finally! We're absolutely ready to announce that the new version of Customer's Canvas went full material… or maybe not. We want you to become a really strict judge and feel free to point out all the shortcomings.
Material design

Material Design is known for its popularity nowadays. It's simple, vivid and not just animated, but animated for a reason to improve usability. Clean lines, shapes, and shadows are in trend. So are we. So is Customer's Canvas.

Right here you can find a new online demo of Customer's Canvas trying on different clothes from conventional bootstrap dresses up to modern material design outfit.

And of course, it's not just a new look! It's fully working approach of customizable themes. Starting today we can offer three built-in themes (a default bootstrap, an empty bootstrap and a material design), two different layouts of toolbar (a simple line view and a two-level) and a possibility to apply any other theme you want by changing a JSON-file that describes what additional CSS/LESS/JS should be linked and how.

Do not hesitate, we repeat, do not hesitate: tell us, please, what you think about it. Send your feedback to info@aurigma.com and we'll respond to you asap. You can also ask us to send you our pre-release 4.0 version for a tryout.

Thank you for helping us improve the way we web-to-print you.

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