Year in Review 2018 | Customer's Canvas

16 January 2019
Year in Review 2018 | Customer's Canvas
2018 was an exciting, productive year for the Customer’s Canvas team. Our developers have been hard at work on new product features, new integrations, and even a brand-new product that makes personalized packaging accessible and affordable for businesses large and small. Let’s take a closer look at last year’s highlights!

New Features

We have added many new features to our web-to-print solution. Users can now enjoy support for InDesign files to make template creation for a variety of products quicker and easier. Support for variable data printing opens up a whole new world of possibilities for creating personalized mailings and other printed products that require variable fields. This gives our customers the opportunity to increase an order’s profitability. In addition to these great new features, we’ve added finishing capabilities to our online editor that enable personalization for luxury printed products.

Let’s not forget to mention the large set of minor yet important features like copyfitting and web API advancements. Throughout 2018, we made 38 major and minor releases. We continue to invest in our automation technology and test its infrastructure to deliver new versions more quickly with a high level of quality.

New Integrations

We created Customer’s Canvas to fit into any printer’s internal workflow using advanced API capabilities. In 2018, we added a number of third-party service integrations to help our customers be as flexible as possible while adding print product personalization to their online storefronts. This includes the following integrations:

  • Depositphotos for boosting your customers’ creativity by adding stock images from a popular and extensive stock image library.
  • Google Drive for helping you save on infrastructure costs by keeping your templates in the cloud.
  • A Drupal web-to-print module (thanks to our friends at Acro Media) to help you integrate the Customer’s Canvas online editor into your website running on the Drupal e-commerce platform.

In 2019, we will continue to add new integrations that will ensure Customer’s Canvas fits perfectly into your internal workflows.

New product: Customer’s Canvas Packaging

The packaging printing market is currently undergoing a revolution through digital printing. Customer’s Canvas Packaging is our new product that can be integrated into any online storefront, streamlines the ordering process, and provides customers with personalized packaging. We experienced huge interest in this new product from our visitors at the Print18 Expo and even received a Red Hot Technology recognition award for our efforts.

Stay tuned in 2019!

For our team, the main positive result of 2018 was a lot of insightful feedback from our clients. This feedback helps us to understand your needs and the tasks you are solving with our software. This feedback is what drives us to continue developing our products. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in 2019!

Boost your business with web-to-print