Meet the new Customer’s Canvas: the complete toolset for rapid integration, easy asset management, and a true WYSIWYG design experience

15 June 2021
Meet the new Customer’s Canvas: the complete toolset for rapid integration, easy asset management, and a true WYSIWYG design experience
From the very beginning, we built Customer’s Canvas with the goal to deliver the most powerful product personalization capabilities in the industry. We’ve received a lot of useful feedback from our clients after a few years on the market that has given us a better understanding of their needs going forward. Now, we are excited to respond to this feedback by releasing the next major step in the evolution of Customer’s Canvas, Version 6.0.

Web-to-print without limits

Web-to-print without limits

We understand that your web-to-print application plays a crucial role in your business. That’s why it’s important for us to make a product that can grow with your company while maintaining the flexibility to adjust to the market environment.

True cloud architecture

Our most recent release has made Customer’s Canvas truly scalable. Does your business have peak and slow seasons? Did an Instagram influencer tag your product? Now, you don’t need to worry about scrambling to set up additional server space or unexpected failures costing you thousands of dollars. If you use Customer’s Canvas Cloud, it will adjust to your current workload.

Volume-based pricing

We have introduced a new pricing model that depends on how many orders you receive. This model is suitable for small startups as well as for larger companies.

The new admin panel for managing web-to-print projects

Admin panel for web-to-print integration

To be completely functional, all web-to-print software requires a backend to help with storing templates, image galleries, fonts, and other assets. We are introducing a new admin panel with this latest release that simplifies the workflows for managing these assets as well as the web-to-print integration process for your application.

You can also use this admin panel to maintain your integration with e-commerce platforms like Shopify. Manage order details, download print-ready files, and connect multiple storefronts.

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Template editor

Set up templates easily

It’s often necessary to set up permissions for individual design elements to maintain consistency and meet strict branding guidelines. The latest version of our product allows you to quickly and easily configure personalization logic within an intuitive WYSIWYG editor.

Learn more about Template Editor

Auto layouts

This is another new feature in Customer’s Canvas 6.0 that will save you time on creating multiple templates for client designs that include data with optional information. You can create a single template that will automatically adjust the layout depending on what data fields your clients left blank.


Enhanced user experience

Version 6.0 delivers even more capabilities for end-users and makes the design process more user-friendly.

Text editing options

Now, you can choose your preferred text input method depending on your use case.

Form-based text editing

Form-based text editing

Edit text in a dedicated field, not on the canvas.

Pop-up editing

Pop-up text editor

Users click on text and edit it in the pop-up window.

Edit text on the canvas

WYSIWYG text editing

Users click on a text area and can change the content and style in this area. This is the most intuitive method.

Advanced text engine

A major stumbling block for web applications that offer print design personalization is the difference between the browser’s rendering engine, which creates an online preview, and the web-to-print system’s rendering engine, which creates a print-ready output. We’ve finally managed to resolve this issue in the latest update. Now, you can rest assured that your clients will see exactly the same preview in the WYSIWYG editor that will be sent for printing.

The new text engine supports any type of font in the browser, including typographic fonts. Enjoy a rich collection of font metrics that no browser supports natively.

Learn more about Customer’s Canvas 6.0

To learn more about our new features and plans, please register for our online webinar that will be held on June 29 at 1:00 pm ETC.

Register at the webinar

Boost your business with web-to-print