Year in Review: The most noteworthy Customer’s Canvas updates in 2022

27 December 2022
Year in Review: The most noteworthy Customer’s Canvas updates in 2022
Let’s look back on some of the most striking Customer’s Canvas improvements of 2022 that you can leverage to enhance your online business.

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    New e-commerce plugins make your integration easier

    This year we developed web-to-print plugins for the most popular e-commerce platforms: WooCommerce, NopCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce.

    These ready-made plugins facilitate a streamlined integration process that doesn’t require any programming resources from your side. You can easily install it in your online store and promptly start receiving orders.

    We also already have a convenient integration for Shopify. Do you use a different system we didn’t mention? Don’t worry! The Customer’s Canvas team will continue expanding its list of supported integrations next year.

    Our new PIM module automatically distributes product options

    The Customer’s Canvas team launched a major updatethe Product Information Management module (PIM). This module allows end-users to order products with predefined options like size, shape, paper substrate, and many more.

    Options configured in the Product Information Management module
    Options configured in the Product Information Management module

    For example, you may want to sell flyers that have either rounded or wavy edges, vertical or horizontal orientation, and are printed on regular or premium paper. Now you can add multiple options and their values for every product. Once you upload pre-designed templates for each case, the system will automatically distribute them.

    End-users can choose from these production options in the design editor interface. This tool can also facilitate pricing rules based on the configured options.

    simple editor for simple scenarios

    Some products, like invitations, sometimes require more simplicity in the editing process rather than complex functionality. Your customers may not have strong design skills, and the most straightforward tools will help them get the best results.

    That’s why we released the Simple Editor this year. Its interface is based on a pre-designed template and allows end-users to only insert information into a web form by editing text fields or uploading images.

    Saved Projects feature: No more diving into long email chains

    We  also launched a feature for saving projects. This functionality allows end-users to keep their designs in the editor interface and continue personalizing them on any device.

    Imagine your clients started designing an invitation on a mobile phone and realized the photo they need is stored on a laptop. No problem! They just need to save the project, log in to the online store on the laptop, and finish editing. Customers can also reorder the same invitations later.


    This feature is available for Customer’s Canvas Cloud users.

    EU-based data center

    We have great news for our European customers: our team has deployed an EU-based data center. It will ensure the Customer’s Canvas web-to-print editor’s speed and reliable data transfer in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements.

    Several other improvements

    Our team released many other updates this year, including interface improvements, advanced list editing, new preflight developments, and many other features.

    We finally met you at Dscoop and Printed United!

    Contrary to the previous pandemic years, we finally had opportunities to attend print industry events in person.

    Thanks to everyone we met at these events!

    Happy New Year, and see you in 2023

    Let us thank all the businesses that entrusted us with their web-to-print projects this year and everyone who has relied on us for many years! We wish you big wins on the online market, more terrific projects, and a Happy New Year!

    A greeting card

    Boost your business with web-to-print